Sunday, January 16, 2011

We Butter The Bread With Butter

Some people may argue with me for writing about We Butter The Bread With Butter because I strictly write about christian bands, but this band is not satins either and in fact I think really good Christian bands could learn from them because I think We Butter The Bread With Butter is the most talented band sound wise. They have a Grindcore-ness to them with many blast beats. there is an emptiness to them though because their lyrics are just funny and meaningless. They write about spongebob and potato salad but their sound is extremely good. they are freakin beast! They have the most hardcore sound I have ever heard and after listening to them I think The Devil Wears Prada is a calm band lol but seriously they are really hardcore and they make me feel so good like I'm on drugs. Another thing you should know about them is they are a German band and the only way I knew the words to their songs was translating it on Word. But even though this band is not a christian band I would totally recommend them if you want to hear a really hardcore techno screamo band that makes other screamo bands seem calm its crazy good.


  1. i know it is like being on drugs listing to them.

  2. ya thats wut i love about screamo! If You like We butter the bread with butter check out Cookiebreed!

    1. Oh yes! Cookiebreed!
      Still I'm a proud Christian!

    2. <3 This page totaly made my day.
