Monday, January 30, 2012

I'm not sure what to title this

So like almost a month ago I said I'm back but I've realized there's too much stress on me right now to keep up with this blog as much as I used to but I always am thinking about posting something and never do. I kinda suck. But anyway I had a dream last night that made me really happy, it was sad when I woke up but I'm still happy I had the dream. I was about Flyleaf, of course, they were playing a show in my old high school which was weird but whatever my dreams never are normal anyway. So what happened was I needed to get back stage to say hi to them but I couldn't figure out hot to get backstage so I ended up finding a floor above where they were and I fell through the ceiling to see them, weird I know, but i think that just represents the dumb things I might do just to see them. So then I'm sitting there and they don't seem to see me and the other band that was touring with them was playing music and they were siting around listening and I remember really liking the music and then I saw Lacey's son crawling around and she got up to get him. Flyleaf started leaving and as Lacey was almost on their bus I shouted for her and she turned around and I looked at her and said " do you remember me" and she said "yes" and then I woke up. I don't know why I felt the need to post this on here but it just meant a lot to me, even though it was just a dream I know my dreams do tell me things that are true in real life like a message from God, the same way music speaks to me. I feel like this dream means God wants me to know Lacey still remembers me and that means a lot to me. Post a comment tell me about a dream you had about someone maybe someone who is no longer here that you felt was a message from God telling you something. 

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