Sunday, July 31, 2011

Q and A with Krysta Cameron

Q: Throughout the album It's All Happening There seems to be a theme of relationships with either a significant other or a parent how did songs like See you In Shell and I'm cold And There Are Wolves After me get their meaning?

A: The song titles that we have are never ever serious but a lot of family issues occurred some family issues happened with me growing up and i think this was finally the album after being in so many bands it was finally the album that was letting me release it so that I could shut a bunch of doors everybody's got family problems nobodys family's perfect that was one way for me to talk about certain things about my parents about my parents splitting up so those were basically songs that helped me close doors with my past it wasn't able to get out years ago

Q: so you write most the lyrics?

A: Yes I write all the lyrics

Q: Tastes Like Kevin Bacon seems have lots of lyrical meaning as well as musical talent, words such as "Ignorance is'nt bliss we are lied to you suckers, everyone" what does this mean?

A: basically that entire song people write us all the time they say that they like that song a lot but its kind of like an abstract painting like as far as my thoughts on war like I was a senior in high school when 9/11 happened and I'm from New York so when all of that went down a lot of our friends parents and family members were affected by it our entire state was affected by it, our entire country, the world but that's just not our world that was affected by it theres other countries that are affected by it too and theres people just like us like our age out there watching their families be blown apart basically that's just what that song is about and it really funny when we actually get people writing us that "we respect our troops" and "we love our troops" and at the same time we have people writing us they say "I love the blow up" so and so and they use this word and this word I don't want to use those words but some racist gesture about using that song and I was just like please don't listen to our album please don't listen to us because you don't get the message but yeah its funny and its quirky but at the same time it's really dark so it's about anything political

Q: When you started this band was it your goal to become popular?

A: No (laughs) I've been in a band since I was 15 I'm 27 now just released my second record when we released our first record I was shocked that we were able to even do that and yet so late in the game we never ever thought that things were gonna come from that because nothing ever did in the past and we were like man we're getting so old like we're never gonna get signed but we just wanted to do because we love music so much and we just wanted to play and tour the world and try to the best as we can

Q: whats it like being in a band with all guys?

A: Oh, it's actually fun it's not as bad as you think it would be because they all treat me with respect I'm basically like a sister to them and I feel a sense of security being with them I always have someone there to watch my back. Being in a band with girls we always get in fights and stuff, look at every girl band you know back in the day they always get in fights you know Pussy Cats, Kittie (laughs) I was in a girl band back in the day just little girls fights all the time but with guys they are a lot more laid back

Q: When you were younger what did you want to be?

A: I wanted to be a quote on quote rock star and I wanted to be Beetle Juice I didn't know how it was gonna happen but I actually drew I remember drawing a door  trying to knock on it and nothing happened I cried and I got depressed, went down to the beach I wrote a poem about it, I remember that day

Q:When did you first realize you had talent as a screamer?

A: I never like you said you asked about us getting big or not, I never thought of myself as talented I always thought I could do better I still think I could do better and once you let that you know you always need to be humble about things you always don't wanna be like "oh that's the best thing I've ever done" because it's not you're always gonna get better in whatever you're doing and I first realized I could start screaming probably when my first band covered Birthmark by Deftones they took the guitar out of my hands and they said you're gonna do this and you're just gonna scream and I did it and I was like wow I didn't know I could do that and they were like yeah without a guitar in your hands you have more like your a front person like look at you you have more charisma on stage

Q: was that when you were in this band?

A: No, this was when I was in one of my first bands called Into The Pink I was 16

Q: How many bands have you been in?

A: lets see, 3, this is my 3rd band

Q: have you ever gotten popular in any other bands?

A: My first well my second band we tried we toured we were called This Years Addiction it was with my little sister Mim and my friend Samantha my childhood friend, we did all we could do but sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't you just got to break your ass and go out there and we did so at least we can say we tried

Q: what question have you never been asked that you would like to share with your fans?

A: Oh, where the bands name came from, no just kidding, I don't know any question basically I don't hide to much of my personal life so I really want people to be able to connect to us not need to feel that they are distant from us or to feel that they are smaller and we are bigger that's the problem I think in a lot of bands

Q: what was the first band that you listened to that got you into this type of music?

A: Lets see I always listened to things my parents raised me on they are pretty much hippies so like Zeplin, Pink Floyd, The Who and Aerosmith and I was listening to at the time because I grew up in the early to late 90's where all that grunge was coming out so a lot of like girls in bands and they were screaming L Seven and the Raincoats these are some bands you should actually get into, music back in the day kind of broke the mold and then new metal came along  like Korn and Deftones so I listened to that, wearing baggy pants and wearing black lipstick and I ended up going to Long Island and Long Island has a lot of bands coming out of it and I went to a show with From All The Ashes and I believe Sighlo was playing also at this little youth center and it was like $2 to get in and I went and I was like I wanna do that I want to do exactly that because that combines everything that I like so pretty much that's when I started getting into what at that time was more hardcore, Long Island hardcore

Q: was that before you were in your first band?

A: No, this was after it was when I was in my second band when i started getting into that I said I want to start screaming more and kicking ass

Q: what genera was your first band?

A: Girl grunge rock, rock punk, progression angry feminist music

Q: Did you scream in that band?

A: Yeah, sometimes

Q: Tell me a little about your new album Ruining It For Everybody and how these songs came together

A: The songs came together by us just we've been writing since the last album came out and we ended up just kinda we get together we wrote the songs and recorded them in our house even so we would just go downstairs in out basement because at the time we were living together and when we get an idea we just write it down, play it, record it, come back to it little things like that. Steven and John are mostly always down in what we used to call the dungeon but they would be down there all day all night and me Mikey and Ricky would just be goofing off whatever it's out time you know we don't care but we'd go down there and the would show us things that they wrote we would end up just having a really good time and we would be like hey that sounds awesome and then when all of the rest of the songs started coming together then came the vocals actually I had Ricky and Mikey there for some spiritual guidance through the whole entire thing and they helped me out too so it was cool because they actually got to be a part of it through the vocals as well

Q: Did you have fun doing the album?

A: Yeah of course who doesn't I mean it's new music

Q: How long did it take you to put together the album?

A: We started writing here and there since It's All Happening came out and we went in to record a little bit after November, December and we were done in Febuary musically and then and then the vocals were done at the end of March the finish of product after tour because we had to do tours between that too

Q: Did you ever write on tour?

A: Oh yeah the guys always bring a labtops on tour and I always keep a notebook and a pen so I can jot down little things here and there

Q: do you like tour?

A: yeah, of course it's fun

Q: do you ever lose lots of sleep or get stressed out about things?

A: all the time, who doesn't , I actually sleep all day because sleeping is good for your voice except for this little monster right here ( Puppy) she keeps me up all day all night

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